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Recent Journal Articles & Book Chapters

“The Global Legislators Database: The Personal Backgrounds of National Legislators in the World’s Democracies.” With Nick Carnes, Joshua Ferrer, Esme Lillywhite, Noam Lupu, and Eugenia Nazrullaeva. British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.

                       News coverage: The Economist

“Dialogues Across Time: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Democratization," Political Science Quarterly, 2024.

"Inaccurate Forecasting of a Randomized Controlled Trial. With Mats Ahrenshop, Saad Gulzar, and Luke Sonnet. Journal of Experimental Political Science, First View 2023

"Accidental Cumulation in Studies of Clientelism, Vote Buying, and Governance." In Oxford Handbook of Methodological Pluralism, eds. Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Dino P. Christenson, and Valerie Sinclair-Chapman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

"Corruption, Party Leaders, and Candidate Selection: Evidence from Italy." Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 45 (2020), pp. 291-325. Co-authored with Raffaele Asquer and Brian Hamel.


Winner of the Jewell-Loewenberg Award for the best article in the area of comparative politics published in Legislative Studies Quarterly in 2020.


"Corruption and the New Institutional Economics." In A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics, eds. Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley. Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.


"How to Fight Corruption." Science, May 26, 2017, pp. 803-4. Co-authored with Raymon Fisman.


"Electoral Fraud or Violence: The Effect of Observers on Party Manipulation Strategies." British Journal of Political Science, 2017. Co-authored with Joseph Asunka, Sarah Brierley, Eric Kramon, and George Ofosu.


"Incumbency Effects under Proportional Representation: Leaders and Backbenchers in the Postwar Italian Chamber of Deputies." Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 40 (2015), pp. 509-38. Co-authored with Lucio Picci.


"The Institutional Components of Political Corruption." In Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions, eds. Rubén Ruiz Rufinio and Jennifer Gandhi. New York: Routledge Press, 2015, pp. 404-20. Co-authored with Paasha Mahdavi.


"Electoral Cycles in Electricity Losses in India." Energy Policy, vol. 65 (2014), pp. 619-25. Co-authored with Brian Min.


News coverage: Economic Times, Hindustan Times, India Today, Mint, DNA - Daily News and Analysis, Firstpost, Outlook, Financial Express, Business Standard.


"Distributive Politics Around the World." Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 16 (2013), pp. 73-99. Co-authored with Brian Min.


"Corruption in the Wealthy World." Brown Journal of World Affairs, vol. 18.2 (Spring/Summer 2012), pp. 75-84.

"Domestic and International Causes for the Rise of Pay Inequality in OECD Nations between 1980 and 2000." In Comparing European Workers: Experiences and Inequalities, ed. David Brady. Vol. 22, part 1 of Research in Sociology of Work (2011), pp. 209-49. With Michael Wallerstein.


"Legislative Malfeasance and Political Accountability." World Politics, vol. 62, no. 2 (2010), pp. 177-220. Co-authored with Eric C.C. Chang and Seth J. Hill.


News coverage: The Economist


"Sources of Corruption in Authoritarian Regimes." Social Science Quarterly, vol. 91, no. 1 (2010), pp. 1-20. Co-authored with Eric C.C. Chang.


"Puzzles of Political Corruption in Modern Advanced Democracies" ("Gendai sensin minshushugi shokokuni okeru seiji huhai no nazo"). In Democracy and Accountability: Globalized Political Responsibility (Demokurasi to Akauntabiriti: Grobaru-ka suru seiji-sekinin), ed. Hideko Magara. pp. 184-99 (Toyko: Fukosha, 2010).


"Pork Barrel Politics in Postwar Italy, 1953-1992." American Journal of Political Science, vol. 52, no. 2 (2008), pp. 268-89. Co-authored with Lucio Picci.


"Electoral Systems, District Magnitude and Corruption." British Journal of Political Science, vol. 37 (January 2007), pp. 115-137. Co-authored with Eric C.C. Chang.


Winner of the American Political Science Association's Organized Section in Representation and Electoral Systems 2008 Lawrence Longley Award for the best article published in 2007


"Corruption and the Management of Public Works in Italy." in The Handbook of Economic Corruption, ed. Susan Rose-Ackerman (Williston, VT: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2006), pp. 457-483. Co-authored with Lucio Picci.

"Proposal for a New Measure of Corruption, Illustrated with Italian Data." Economics & Politics, vol. 17 (March 2005), pp. 37-75. Co-authored with Lucio Picci.


Replications of the Golden-Picci measure by other scholars for other countries:

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